Sri Natha Ahasthana International Buddhist

M o n a s t e r y

Rev. Aluwihare Paripunnaka Thero


“ To secure "SELF" different kinds of fighting methods were used but could not stop fear, shock, quake and pain. I realized the fault and understood that the only true path Lord Buddha preached was the Noble Dhamma. Until "SELF" is within you fear, shock, quake and pain is with you. Once "SELF" leaves you there will be no fear, shock, quake and pain. When I realized it I went to discover the true Buddha path .”



Sri Natha Ahasthana Buddhist Monastery was commenced in 1998 by Venerable Aluwihare Paripunnaka Thero, then known as Mohan, an upasaka clad in white dress.



  • Sila (Morality)
  • Morality consisting of purity of restraint of the senses (Indriya-Samvara-Sila)
  • Analyzing  of consuming food (Ahara Prathivekshava)
  • Mindfulness of “in” and “out” breathing (Anapanasati)
  • The Four Absorptions


  • Contemplation of the Body (Kayanupassanawa)
  • Wisdom of seeing the mind and body separation (Nama-rupa Parichcheda nana)
  • Pointless Meditation (Animitta)
  • Contemplation of Feelings (Vedananupassanawa)
  • Contemplation of  Consciousness (Chittanupassanawa)
  • To analyze the Five Hindrances ( Nívarana Pabba)
  • To analyze the Five Groups of Clinging (Skandha Pabba)
  • To analyze the Six Bases (Ayathana Pabba)
  • To analyze the Seven Factors of Enlightenment ( Saptha Bojjanga Dharma)
  • Pointless Meditation

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