About us

 To secure “SELF” different kinds of fighting methods were used but could not stop fear, shock, quake and pain. I realized the fault and understood that the only true path Lord Buddha preached was the Noble Dhamma. Until “SELF” is within you fear, shock, quake and pain is with you. Once “SELF” leaves you there will be no fear, shock, quake and pain. When I realized it I went to discover the true Buddha path at the age of 35 from the late Venerable Amata Gavesi Thero at Devanapatis Samatha Vipassana Meditation Centre at Pallekalle. I practiced the Orambhāgiya – Sanyojana (the low fetters) from late Ven. Amata Gavesi Thero at Pallekalle. Thereafter I left Pallekalle Centre due to not having sufficient development in higher levels of meditation ie. Udambhāgiya – Sanyojana (the high fetters). I practiced the Uddhambhāgiya Sanyojana on my own at this monastery for a long period. The teachings at the monastery is given by me which I practiced and gained.

Introduction of the monastery

Sri Natha Ahasthana Buddhist Monastery was commenced in 1998 by Venerable Aluwihare Paripunnaka Thero, then known as Mohan, an upasaka clad in white dress.

Ven. Aluwihare Paripunnaka Thero preached the teachings shown by Lord Buddha on the Four Foundation of Mindfulness, which he practiced and gained by himself. The monastery is situated on top of a hill covered with jungle and surrounded by hills. This Monastery was built gradually with the assistance of yogis’ who took teachings from him. Now this monastery has several buildings (two Shrine Rooms, Dhamma Hall, Stupa, Caskets containing relics of Lord Buddha and great disciples, Oil lamp lit 365 days (Dolos Mahe Pahana), Dhana Hall and kitchen). There are more than 35 kuttis build for Bikku, Bikkuni, Upasaka, Upasika. This monastery has another branch at Wilachchi in the Anuradhapura District, to experience meditation practice in the jungle. We also hope to have a branch at Meemure in the Udu Dumbara area too.


The main purpose of meditating is to make effort to gain Sila (virtue), Samadhi and Vidarshana which results in shortening the continuity of births.


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